[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Funck) writes:
> Dan, sorry to trouble you

Please post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather that putting the onus on one person to
answer you (and depriving everyone else of the information).

> - but that RPM URL that I mentioned,
> appeared to be version that has pattern matching in it, but now it
> appears that this version has some sort of shell-like globbing,
> but doesn't have the regex stuff.  I actually would prefer the
> regex version for what        I'm trying to do, and there's no docs.
> on how the globbing works, how much of a pathname I can use it
> on, etc.  (ie, does it only match the part of the URL after the
> rightmost slash?)
> If you can point me at a copy of the regex version, that'd be
> great.  thanks, - Gary

The sum of my knowledge on 1.5.3gold is what I read in the author's post.
You could try emailing him.  Also, perhaps the patch in the email I
forwarded successfully applies to the RPM'd version and converts it to

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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