Jamie Zawinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dan Harkless wrote:
> > Well, silly or not, the concept is already there, so I don't think it makes
> > sense to remove the ability to access RFC-valid URLs in order to imitate
> > Netscape or Internet Explorer.
> I guess that depends on whether you think it's more important to
> do the most useful thing, and what people expect; or do what the
> RFC says, despite the fact that nobody else has actually implemented
> that.

Well, I don't think we've shown that _nobody_ else has implemented that.  I
guess it mightn't be a terrible idea to make the common, non-compliant
behavior the default, though, as long as the RFC-correct behavior is
optionally available.

It's my experience that very few anonymous FTP servers put you in a
directory other than '/' (it certainly may be a chroot()ed '/'), though, and
FTP files that require a login and password to get at tend not to be
published as URLs, so in reality I don't think we're talking about that
large a body of common practice.

> (But if you're going to slavishly follow the RFC, you have to do one CWD
> for each directory component, or it won't work on, e.g., VMS and TWENEX
> file servers.)

I certainly wouldn't be opposed to putting in such behavior, if people using
VMS or TWENEX servers complained.

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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