In the page:
there are images that have absolute URLs (ie. 
that are not downloaded when the -p option is specified. I had understood that 
this is what the -p and -k options do.

If I have misunderstood the -p and -k options, or misconfigured something, 
please excuse me.

Thanks for your time..

PS. The wget command line I used was:
wget -H

and my .wgetrc is:

 WGet RC file to implement the command line parameters:
# wget -P webcache -p -nc -l1 -k -A gif,jpg,png

# Accepti the following file types
accept = gif,jpg,png

# Convert links locally
convert_links = on

# Use FTP
follow_ftp = off

# Preserve existing files
noclobber = on

# Ignore the sometimes incorrect content length header.
ignore_length = off

# Get the requisites for each page
page_requisites = on

# Use recursive retrieval
recursive = off

# Levels to recurse
reclevel = 1

# Timestamp files
timestamping = off

# Build the directory tree locally
dirstruct = on

# Top of the local directory tree
dir_prefix = webcache

# --EOF --
~|~\ /~\ | | |~~    Dave Killick    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | | |_| | | |--                    +44 (0)1225 475235
_|_/ | | \_/ |__    IPL Information Processing Limited

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