I haven't exactly nailed this down yet, but it looks like -k isn't
doing the right thing under wget 1.7.  It might be only in combination
with one or more of -H or -p, but either way, the behavior below is
incorrect.  (I also haven't bothered trying 1.6.  I know that -k
worked fine under 1.5.3, but that release didn't have the -p option,
and this may be part of the problem.)

Try doing

    wget -p -nv -H -k -K http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/damage.map.html

and take a look at the URLs you get in damage.map.html itself.
(Having or not having -K doesn't change the incorrect nature
of -k's operation.)

URLs of the form


are instead transformed into


which is no help at all!  The correct URL should have been


e.g., the URL copied from the invocation should not have
been prepended, since the whole point of -k is to localize
the URL by stripping the http:// and host information, hence
turning it into a local filesystem access.  This ain't that.


(If, for some reason, system information is required, see my
bug report of a few minuters ago about /usr/local/etc/wgetrc;
this is an HPUX 10.20 system and gcc.)

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