Greetings, humans!

I'd like to use wget to take a snapshot of  On that
site, all of the graphics are served from "",
and there's a bunch of other sub-domains as well.  Also, it links over
to "", which I would also like to "mirror."
How can I do this in a way that allows me to basically get any domain
"*" and "*", but not get anything

The closest I've come is (and there's lots of extraneous stuff in there):

> wget -r -l inf -k -p --wait=1 -H 

Could someone help me out with this?

Thanks much,

WOW: Rapacious           | A priest advised Voltaire on his death bed to     |  renounce the devil.  Replied Voltaire, "This
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |              is no time to make new enemies."

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