On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 04:20:56AM +0100, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> Here is a beta version of what is to be 1.8.  In this case, "beta"
> does not mean instability, just that I'd like a wider audience to take
> a look at the thing before we can call it a "prerelease".  In either
> case, I'm aiming for a release soon, possibly within the week.
> Get it from:
>     ftp://gnjilux.srk.fer.hr/pub/unix/util/wget/.betas/wget-1.8-beta1.tar.gz
> (The `.betas' directory is intentionally unreadable, but the file is
> there.)

I need to change 

o = .o


o = .obj

in the Makefile to get it to compile on OS/2.

Is it possible to include OBJEXT in Makefile.in to make this more 


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