
 Today I downloaded the new wget release (1.8) (I'm a huge fan of the util
btw ;p ) and have been trying out the rate-limit feature.

When I run:

wget --limit-rate=20k 

I get a core dump with the following output

           => `binary-i386-1.iso.1'
Resolving twist... done.
Connecting to twist[]:8080... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 639,348,736 [application/octet-stream]

 0% [
] 64,306        19.26K/s ETA 9:00:08 assertion "p - bp->buffer <=
bp->width" failed: file "progress.c", line 673
Abort (core dumped) 


twist is our web proxy (running squid)

The funny thing is I can snarf the whole intranet using the -m and rate
limit options with no bugs at all. A huge iso though just makes it fall

I'm running FreeBSD 4.1 (which until it hits ports may be a problem).

I can't test a non-proxied linux pc from here to see if the same thing
happens when grabbing an iso.

keep up the good work with wget!

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