
wget -o log -S -x --proxy=off

shows me the following log but does not download ANY file ! What's wrong with it?


please send a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

           => `'
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... 
220 sncwebftp3 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
--> USER anonymous

331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
--> PASS Turtle Power!
230-You are connected to

230-Your use is subject to the terms and conditions in Legal.TXT

230-and Usage.TXT files
230-*Mirror sites at FTPEUR.NAI.COM and FTPDE.NAI.COM*
230 Anonymous user logged in.
--> TYPE I

200 Type set to I.
--> CWD pub/antivirus/datfiles/4.x

250 CWD command successful.
--> PORT 217,80,164,224,79,254

200 PORT command successful.
--> LIST

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls.

    0K -> .

226 Transfer complete.
09-19-01  08:14PM                11711 41614162.upd
09-25-01  08:15PM               110187 41624163.upd
10-02-01  08:15PM               124292 41634164.upd
10-09-01  08:15PM                96359 41644165.upd
10-16-01  08:15PM               123307 41654166.upd
10-23-01  08:15PM                99364 41664167.upd
10-30-01  08:15PM               112079 41674168.upd
11-06-01  08:15PM               116050 41684169.upd
11-13-01  08:15PM               122901 41694170.upd
11-14-01  08:15PM                11736 41704171.upd
11-20-01  08:15PM               115646 41714172.upd
11-27-01  08:16PM               134670 41724173.upd
12-03-01  08:16PM               137115 41734174.upd
12-04-01  08:16PM                43004 41744175.upd
12-11-01  08:16PM               107689 41754176.upd
12-11-01  08:16PM              2211840 dat-4176.tar
12-11-01  08:16PM              1905483
12-11-01  08:16PM                 1308 delta.ini
07-02-01  10:09AM       <DIR>          extra
04-05-01  01:10AM                30694 P2104123.z
05-15-01  02:04PM                   65 Palm.Ini
12-11-01  08:16PM                40713 readme.txt
12-11-01  05:40PM              4127310 sdat4176.exe
12-11-01  08:16PM                  747 update.ini
16:48:02 (71.92 KB/s) - `' saved [1252]

Removed `'.

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