> From: Ian Abbott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

[sorry for this late answer, I haven't been able to answer before.]

> The URL fragment "some%20what" could be converted to a filename
> "some what" during the URL to filename conversion. If ' ' is
> considered file-system safe, no further change is necessary. If ' '
> is considered file-system unsafe, it would have to be escaped to
> "some<ESC>20what", where '<ESC>' is whatever the file-system escape
> character is.

Just another point, somewhat obvious but not mentioned before - while
de-encoding characters not-unsafe on the current filename that filename
still must be legal for browsers when reading the downloaded files on
the local filesystem, e.g. index.html referring to "some file .html" or

> Or are you saying that if a DOS variable or positional parameter
> gets its value set to a filename that happens to contain some %
> characters, then these could possibly be further expanded after the
> expansion of the positional parameters? I don't think batch files
> expand variables more than once, e.g.:

That's what I thought, too, but still I'm wondering _why_ the weird %->@
has ever been done - if not neccessary it wouldn't ever have been added.
Possibly some old platform ? Some version of a shell with bugs or
whatever ?

> An alternative, but slightly bizarre approach would be to extend
> the filename over a set of subdirectories using escape characters
> at the end of the intermediate subdirectory names. E.g.
> "verylongname" could become "verylon@\gfile" (where '@' is the
> escape character and '\' is the DOS directory separator), and
> "very.long.name" could become "very.lo@\ng.na@\me", or
> "very@2El@\ong@2En@\ame", or something similar, but that is getting
> very silly!

Very interesting, but this solution would REALLY aggravate the
max-path-and-filename-length limitation present on some filesystems (at
least iso9660).

> An alternative to naming every preset we can think of is to to
> supply several commented examples in sample.wgetrc.

It depends how complex that configuration part will become, but I think
it would be better not including that kind of info in wgetrc:
People could have a bunch of scripts all using different filters, or
even possibly dynamically created filters - messing with the .wgetrc is
not a thing to do imho.
So we need a syntax to load a command-line specified configuration
anyway, and probably that would mean reading it from a file (too complex
to specify it all on commandline), so I'd say keep that stuff completely
out of wgetrc (except a command specifying the default conversion rules


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