     I'm new to wget.  I use the following command
to get files from the site
wget ftp://ftp.iitm.ac.in/debian

and have set my .wgetrc file with the following

passive_ftp = on
http_proxy = http://anselm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9000/
ftp_proxy= http://anselm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9000/         
# above password changed !
use_proxy = on
dot_style = default
noclobber = on
continue = on
robots = on
no_parent = on
wait = 60
dirstruct = on
add_hostdir = off
recursive = on
follow_ftp = on

      1.        I have a have a very slow link to the Internet
through a proxy.  When the connection breaks, wget will
go on to get the next file instead of trying for the
same file (before the connection broke). eg. 

Connecting to
darya.nio.org:9000... Connection to darya.nio.org:9000
refused. --12:36:14-- 
  => `debian/pool/main/libr' Connecting to
darya.nio.org:9000... Connection to darya.nio.org:9000
refused. --12:37:14-- 
  => `debian/pool/main/libs' Connecting to
darya.nio.org:9000... Connection to darya.nio.org:9000
refused. --12:38:14-- 
  => `debian/pool/main/libt' Connecting to
darya.nio.org:9000... Connection to darya.nio.org:9000
refused. --12:39:14-- 
  => `debian/pool/main/libu'

     2. Also, if the connection is bad 0 bytes are
downloaded and wget goes on to download the next file
and in the directory structure I get a lot of files
with 0 bytes downloaded, whereas I would have expected
wget to keep on trying to get the file till it is
completely downloaded! please see enclosed file text3.

      3.        The third thing is that if I restart
wget again to continue the download, after the
connection is broken, it justs skips the files which
have been partially downloaded and downloads only the
new files which have not been downloaded.

     I suspect, I am not using wget's options
properly and I will be grateful for any leads.

     Thanks in advance.  I'm using wget 1.5.3.


Connecting to darya.nio.org:9000... connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 document follows
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]

    0K ->

10:07:10 (0.00 B/s) - 
`debian/dists/woody/main/source/net/dhcpcd_1.3.17pl2.orig.tar.gz' saved [0]

Connecting to darya.nio.org:9000... connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 document follows
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]

    0K ->

10:14:00 (0.00 B/s) - 
`debian/dists/woody/main/source/net/epic4-script-splitfire_1.6.orig.tar.gz' saved [0]

           => `debian/dists/woody/main/source/net/epic_3.004.orig.tar.gz'
Connecting to darya.nio.org:9000... connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Error
10:15:20 ERROR 500: Internal Error.

           => `debian/dists/woody/main/source/net/fakebo_0.4.1.orig.tar.gz'
Connecting to darya.nio.org:9000... connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 document follows
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]

    0K ->

10:21:44 (0.00 B/s) - `debian/dists/woody/main/source/net/fakebo_0.4.1.orig.tar.gz' 
saved [0]

           => `debian/dists/woody/main/source/net/fmirror_0.8.4beta.orig.tar.gz'
Connecting to darya.nio.org:9000... connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 document follows
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]

    0K -> .......... .......... .......... ....

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