
I am forwarding Debian bug #131851

I can reproduce it on 1.8.1.


When getting a file in a non-root directory from FTP with wget, wget
tries CWD to that directory before getting the file. Unfortunately
sometimes you're not allowed to CWD to a directory, but you're all
to list or download files from it (taken that you know the filename).


  $ wget ftp://www.flashpoint1985.com/fp/140/OFP_Upgrade_4_142.zip
             => `OFP_Upgrade_4_142.zip'
  Connecting to www.flashpoint1985.com:21... connected!
  Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
  ==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
  ==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /fp/140 ... 
  No such directory `fp/140'.

But with lftp:

  $ lftp www.flashpoint1985.com
  www.flashpoint1985.com:~> get /fp/140/OFP_Upgrade_4_142.zip
  ---- Connecting to www.flashpoint1985.com ( port 21
  <--- 220 ProFTPD 1.2.2rc2 Server (ADT WWW access server.. protected by
LEVEL II Secure System) [mrazik.adt.cz]
  <--- 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
  <--- 550 /fp/140/OFP_Upgrade_4_142.zip: Permission denied
  `/fp/140/OFP_Upgrade_4_142.zip' at 67128 (1%) 10.5K/s eta:10m
[Receiving data]

(The site mentioned above is the official site of the commercial game
Operation Flashpoint.)


Please keep the Debian Bugtracking System CC'ed.


Guillaume Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        Oh, that is nice out there, I think I'll stay for a while (RHCP)

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