Dear Wget-team,

sorry for forgetting about the attachment to my first mail:

---------- original message --------------- original message ----------
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 17:41:53 +0100 (MEZ)
From: Mathias Kratzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: reading HTML input-files

Dear Wget-team,

the NEWS file coming with Wget 1.7 says:

> ** The HTML parser has been rewritten.  The new one works more
> reliably, allows finer-grained control over which tags and attributes
> are detected, and has better support for some features like correctly
> skipping comments and declarations, decoding entities, etc.  It is 
> also more general.

While calling Wget 1.5.2 by

  wget -F -O 69_4_522_Ref.res -i 69_4_522_Ref.mrq

on the attached file "69_4_522_Ref.mrq" has worked very well I am left
with the error message 

  No URLs found in 69_4_522_Ref.mrq 

whenever I try the same command using Wget 1.7. Even embedding the
content of "69_4_522_Ref.mrq" into a HTML4 frame (i.e. DOCTYPE-header,
html-, head- and body-tags) did not help.

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Dr. Mathias Kratzer                   | I_nstitute for 
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | E_xperimental  
Phone : +49-201-183-7680              | M_athematics     Ellernstr. 29     
Visit : IEM, Room 205                 |                  D-45326 ESSEN

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