On 9 Apr 2002 at 15:11, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> > Instead, the "TrendMicro Viruswall Proxy" returns:
> >
> >     220 InterScan Version 3.6-Build_1166 $Date: 04/24/2001 22:13:0052$ (mucint01, 
>dynamic, get: N, put: N): Ready
> >
> > That is so far from HTTP that even if Wget's parser were lenient it still
> > wouldn't make sense out of it.  Is "220" an HTTP status code? If so, which
> > one?  What version of HTTP is the proxy speaking?
> That looks *so* much like a FTP server response...

I must admit, I completely missed the status line in my first reply
on this thread!

So it looks like the OP is treating this proxy as a "HTTP style"
proxy when it isn't.

It may be a user@host style proxy. If the proxy server requires one
to log onto it before issuing commands to connect to remote
servers, one is stuffed, otherwise one should be able to persuade
Wget to connect to one remote site through the proxy as follows
(I've not tried this):


where 'ftp.remote.server' is the FTP site one wants to retrieve a
file from, 'remote/path/to/file' is the path to the file on the
FTP server, and 'ftp.proxy.server' is the address of the local
user@host style proxy server. It should also be possible to use the
recursive options.

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