"Tony Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
>> > The meter is updated maximum once per second, I don't think it makes
>> > sense to update the screen faster than that.
>> Maybe not, but I sort of like it.  Wget's progress bar refreshes the
>> screen (not more than) five times per second, and I like the idea of
>> refreshing the download speed along with the amount.  However, I've
>> added the code to limit the ETA change to once per second.
> As long as it's going to be configurable, why not make it available
> on the command line and in .wgetrc?

Exactly what would you like to be able to configure?  The refresh
frequency of the progress bar?  Or of the ETA display?  I don't see
the need for that.  The granularity of ETA is 1 second, so refreshes
shorter than that don't make sense.  Likewise, max. five refreshes per
second for the whole bar is about as good a value as any.  I've never
heard anyone complain.

IMHO there *is* such a thing as too much configurability.  Wget
already has a huge number of options, and I'd like it to just do the
right thing whenever possible.  I think the latest incarnation of the
code comes close to that.  I'm open to criticisms, though.  But before
you criticize, at least try it out.

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