On Sun, 2002-04-14 at 10:49, Andre Majorel wrote:
> The web interface is not necessary. Listar, for instance, just
> forwards the dubious mails to the moderator. Approving the
> message is done by replying to listar (actually forwarding to
> somelist-repost@somedomain, but you get the idea).
According to http://comnet.org/lists/ezmanadmin.html#ss2.2 , ezmlm also
has the "message moderation" feature. If one of the moderators replies
to the message, it will get accepted and sent to the list subscribers.
If none of the moderators reply within 5 days, the message will be
rejected.(So no need to reject, it's enough to ignore, though it's
possible to explicitly reject a message.)

On 2002-04-14 05:00 +0200, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> Writing a filter script is not hard; I can do that.  But the real
> problem is how how to integrate such a script with the mailing list
> software.  Also, it would be nice not to have to write the web
> interface from scratch.
> Here is a suggestion how to go about it:
> 1. Switch from ezmlm to Mailman.  Karsten has convinced me to resist
>    the switch so far, but I simply don't see how to avoid it.  The big
>    win for Mailman is that it already have a web interface for
>    moderation.  If there is a similar thing for ezmlm, we can
>    reconsider this step.
According to http://www.ezmlm.org/faq-0.40/FAQ-8.html#ss8.3
there exists a possibility in ezmlm to restrict posts based on the
Subject line.
But it is just a script - two pipes and grep commands.(The input seems
to be the whole message - including the headers.)

So perhaps the script should check the message, whether it contains the
string "wget" (case insensitive), but not string "wget@" and if it
detects a suspicious message, it should "somehow" pipe it(send the mail)
to the "wget-moderators" list.

The "wget-moderators" list can of course run any mailing list
manager(EZMLM, Mailman, ..), the only allowed poster should be that
script, and all approved messages should be forwarded to the
wget@sunsite list.

Jan Hnila

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