Admin wrote:

> Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.

It's definitely a nasty little piece of code. Even though I had Outlook
Express configured to disallow practially everything, the E-mail messages
opened themselves and let the rogue code loose. If you've managed to avoid
Klez so far and you're running Windows, I strongly recommend you read more
about this at Microsoft and then install the recommended security patch:

> Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus technic,most common
AV software can't detect or clean it.

Once I got McAfee VirusScan installed, I was able to delete all the affected
files. BUT, it took a major effort (over two -- or was it three -- days) to
even get it installed so that I could scan my hard drive.

> NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV
monitor maybe cry when you run it.

Not my idea of a solution to this problem because a) it won't do anything
about files that are already infected and b) I don't like the idea of a file
that causes a virus alert for which one is told to "Ignore the warning,and
select 'continue'."


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