> Dear wget list,
> I'm really amazed by the -k option in wget, however, it doesn't 
> to work with the -O - option or even the -O <file> option!  It would 
> really great if I could print the converted URLs to stdout.  Does 
> anyone have a work around?  Or maybe another piece of software that 
> could do this?  (lynx perhaps?)
> Any answer would be helpful!
> Thanks,
> ben!
> p.s. please CC me in replies as I'm not sure if I am subscribed yet. 
> =]

*sorry for double post =[  no tab in webmail*

I have also found in PHP:
$wget = './wget -k -nv www.google.com';
will exec wget, get the index.html, but not convert it!

I tried this with several different php commands too exec(), shell_exec
(), system().  Anyone have a clue why this would get the file, write 
the file, but not convert the relative links?  It works fine on my bsd 
box, "wget -k -nv www.google.com" does that is.

note : the wget on the bsd box is brand new 1.8.2, the one running with 
php is 1.6.?, it was on the shell at the time, the docs said it should 
have -k also though...

Thanks again,

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