Hi all.

Sorry for my asking but I am new user of wget. At first I have to say that 
this utility is realy great.
I am asking you for help. I was carefuly listening the debat about 
robots.txt, but it is not solving my problem.
I am using wget (the latest version) under Red Hat 6.2 in the mirroring mode. 
Some pages are unfortunately written strictly for MS Internet Explorer - due 
to JavaScripts or iframe. When I want to mirror this page I have to to set 
user-string as looking asi MS IE :-( 
I was trying:
But it does not work :-(
I have read in wget manual that this could be seen as a violation of 
browser-developer's law. But I am using it for my own purpose, so it could 
get through.

Thanks for all answers and suggestions.

Jakub Grosman
Janackovo nabrezi 51, 150 00 Praha 5
Tel:    +420-2-5151-2013
GSM:  +420-603-179297
http://www.primetime.cz & http://www.e-telereport.cz

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