On 2002-06-29 21:09 -0400, Dang P. Tran wrote:

> I use the -i option to download files from an url list. The
> server I use have a password that change often. When I have a
> large list if the password change while I'm downloading and give
> 401 error, I want wget stop to prevent hammering the site with
> bad password.

A workaround :

  $ echo '#!/bin/sh' >wrapper
  $ echo 'wget "$@" || kill $PPID' >>wrapper
  $ chmod +x wrapper
  $ xargs -n10 ./wrapper <urllist

If for whatever reason Wget exits with a non-zero status, xargs
is killed. Thus the server will be hit at most 9 too many times.

André Majorel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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