Stan Reeves wrote:
> I'm having trouble when recursively downloading sites with dynamic calendar
> pages.  It can take *forever* to get through several levels before hitting
> the recursion level limit.  I can reject pages with a .pl or .asp extension,
> but they're apparently still downloaded and scanned for links before being
> removed.  Is there a solution to this?  I'm using v. 1.8.1.

This is be design. The reject/accept options after scanning a text/html
page for links, which seems  ot to be what most people expect deemed by
the mailing list complains about this. And I don't think there's anyway
to work around it.
> Stan Reeves
> Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
> Auburn University
> Auburn, AL  36849

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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