Like That
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.               
--01:19:23--  ftp://kempston:*password*@
           => `dragon.001'                                                  
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.               
--01:19:23--  ftp://kempston:*password*@
           => `dragon.002                                                  
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.               
--01:19:23--  ftp://kempston:*password*@
           => `dragon.003                                                  
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.               
--01:19:23--  ftp://kempston:*password*@
           => `dragon.004                                                  
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.               
FINISHED --01:19:23--                                                          
Downloaded: 150,000,000 bytes in 10 files
----- Original Message -----
From: Kempston
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 12:50 AM
Subject: WGET BUG

    Hi, i have a problem and would really like you to help me. i`m using wget for downloading list of file urls via http proxy. When proxy server goes offline - wget doesn`t retry downloading of files. Can you fix that or can you tell me how can i fix that ?

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