Hi guys!

Could someone please explain to me how to use 
-X (exclude_directories; --exclude) 
correctly on Windos machines?

I tried 
wget -X"/html" -x -k -r -l0 http://home.arcor.de/???/versuch.html
wget -X"html" -x -k -r -l0 http://home.arcor.de/???/versuch.html
wget -X html -x -k -r -l0 http://home.arcor.de/???/versuch.html
wget -X/html -x -k -r -l0 http://home.arcor.de/???/versuch.html
wget -X'/html' -x -k -r -l0 http://home.arcor.de/???/versuch.html

All will traverse into the http://home.arcor.de/???/html folder.
I also tried the wgetrc version with either quotes, slashes or 

I had a look into the wget documentation html file, but could not find
my mistake.

I tried both wget 1.5 and 1.9-beta.

Kind regards

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