I got a assert exit of wget in "retr.c" in the function "calc_rate"
because "msecs" is 0 or lesser than 0 (in spare cases). 
I don't know how perhaps because I have a big line to the server or the
wrong OS. To get worked with this I patched "retr.c" setting "msecs = 1"
if equal or below zero.

Some informations are added below, what else do you need? 

#: cat /proc/version 
Linux version 2.4.18 (root@netbrain) (gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat
Linux 7.3 2.96-110)) #4 Sun Jul 28 09:01:06 CEST 2002 

#: wget -V 
GNU Wget 1.8.2 


Thomas Hartwig, T: +49 30 69599727, F: +49 30 69599726,
M: +49 172 3265984, GnuPG/PGP: 0xC51B523B, http://www.crapoud.com

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