Hi, All... I apologize for the Bandwidth in advance!

I have been overwhelmed with virus attachments in one out of five
messages from this list since about mid-July.

If you suspect you may have the virus (Symantec calls it W32.Klez)
there is a removal tool located at the antivirus site of Symantec
(they now own the Norton series of system software) you can go to:


On the lower right hand side of the page (scroll down) is a list
of virus removal tools. If you know which one your system has,
click on the proper one (most infected emails on this list are
the W32.Klez variety) and click on the W32.Klez Tool and download
it to your computer. 

Please follow the instructions on the Symantec site. The program will
have to be put on a floppy and run in a DOS window (as I recall).
Instructions are on the site.

One file will likely show up as "cannot be deleted" because it has a
"hidden" file attribute. Change that to "Archive" and delete it. It 
should not be on your computer. Other files will be marked as
removed/deleted or fixed (don't remember which).

If the owner/moderator of the list would prohibit attachments it
is quite likely that no one's computer would currently be "infected".

Moral of the story is: Do not open attachments unless you have asked
that they be sent to you by someone you know. The message subject text
and sender ID. data utilize "social engineering" intended to make you
curious. Remember the Moral.

Or install a software firewall that will check your emails for
files that could possibly be executed before you are aware of it
and your machine becomes infected. It is difficult to determine
who the infected machine really belongs to. Best cure is not to 
allow your computer to become infected. 

Like a biological virus, it does spread, all by itself. Learn how 
this virus operates. It really takes on a life of its own.

Other list members may have different, but equally effective, 
solutions which they are encouraged to add if they feel it is a
worthwhile task. I am not trying to start another thread which is OT.

(retreating into the shadows)

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