Nandita Shenvi wrote:

> I have not copied the whole script but just the last few lines.The
> $all_links[3] has an URL:
> the link follows a file, which I require.
> I remove the http:// before calling the wget, but i still get an error
> message:
> --13:56:24--
>            => `wgetcheck'

$all_links[3] needs to be cleaned up. It contains as trailing "\n" and there
is a space between "http://"; and "bolinux39" that should not be there.

The "\n" is easily addressed by: chomp @all_links;

You should look at your script to determine how the space got there. You can
get rid of all spaces by: $all_links[3] =~ s/ //g;
but that may not be what you want. You're better off figuring out how the
unwanted space got there in the first place and making sure it doesn't.


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