
 There is a synchronization problem with subj. The situation, when all started wgets 
are getting same file became normal from version 1.7.x till last ones. The 
'--no-clobber' key does not help, it checks for existence of file before connecting, 
then connects for a some time, then starts to write to file. But connection time 
differs. So few wgets connect, then start to get same file.

 Solution is to add forced synchronization option. E.g. :
- Check for file existence after connection (not very good, but very simple)
- Create lock file for each file, which is to be downloaded now, between check for 
existence, and connection, if it does not exist, else skip with message 'file ... 
exists'. Lock file is needed only due connection time, when download starts, it must 
be removed. (good, pretty simple)

For second type (I think, this one will be the best), there also must be an option for 
directory, where to create lock files (e.g. I want to use semaphores- \SEM32\WGet).


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