>Well, I am sure it is wrong URL, but took some time till I pinpoint it 
>in  RFC1808. Otherwise it would be very difficult to code URL parser. 
>What you actually try to convince us is that you can omit the 
>net-location (i.e. usually comes in the middle) and still be able to 

>From the rfc:

|URL    = ( absoluteURL | relativeURL ) [ "#" fragment ]
| absoluteURL = generic-RL | ( scheme ":" *( uchar | reserved ))
| generic-RL  = scheme ":" relativeURL
| relativeURL = net_path | abs_path | rel_path
| net_path    = "//" net_loc [ abs_path ]
| abs_path    = "/"  rel_path
| rel_path    = [ path ] [ ";" params ] [ "?" query ]

It is clear that if the string after the ":" does not
begin with "//" or "/" then it is a relative path.

>tell the location. Then how do you interpret http:program.com ?
>Is it a site program in TLD com, or a .com (DOS executable) file served 
>who knows why via http?

It does not have a // before the program.com so it is not
a TLD.

>So one of the places this is discussed in RFC1808 is:
>4.  Resolving Relative URLs
>Step 2b): If the embedded URL starts with a scheme name, it is 
>     interpreted as an *absolute* URL and we are done.

The rfc states that this is an example algorithm. It does not
claim it is the definitive algorithm.

>BTW, did you try to click in your browser on that link?

Relative links beginning with "http:" work fine in
Mozilla and Internet Explorer. Since Mozilla is designed
for standards compliance they appear to interpret 
rfc1808 they same way I do.


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