Georg Bauhaus wrote:

> I don't think so. Actually the rules for SGML "comments" are
> somewhat different.

Georg, I think we're talking about apples and oranges here. I'm talking
about what is legitimate in a comment in an SGML document. I think you're
talking about what is legitimate as a comment in an SGML declaration.

At any rate, I decided to do some more poking around. I wrote a web page
(see with the following variations on
<!-- Comment -->
<!-- -- -->

The browsers I tried (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Lynx) ignore all of
them. I also tried the W3C Markup Validation Service at

It reported that the last one is not valid:

Line 22 column 8: comment started here

The moral of the story: one cannot evaluate an HTML document solely on what
any browser (or even all of them) do with it.


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