
I try to fetch text-files on a Unix-Machine (Solaris 8) from a
Windows-FTP-Server (Win 2000 Workstation).

In order to retrieve the files in the correct text-mode, I tried to use the
addition ";type=a" when specifying the url as is documented in the wget

Fro some reason the files still contain newlines in form "CR/LF" instead of
the unix-standard "CR".

I have already tried various options, I have also compiled wget myself and
tried to debug this. I see that the "TYPE A" is sent to the FTP-Server, but
the resulting files are not correct.

If I connect to another Unix-FTP-Server, doing binary-transfer works as
expected (as the two machines use the same format), but if I use ";type=a",
then even between two Unix-machines, the text-file is changed to contain
invalid newlines!

I also tried with the ftp-tool that comes with Solaris, doing ASCII-Transfer
from the Windows-Machine with this works, so I don't think the FTP-Server is
configured incorrectly.

Is there something wrong with how we use wget?

The output of the command is:

wget --tries=5 --recursive --timestamping --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=2
 --level=inf "ftp://anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:21/A000KP0T.Y2003013.EDI;type=a"

--------------------------------- cut
here ---------------------------------------------
ftp://anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/A000KP0T.Y2003013.EDI;type=a
           => `.listing'
Resolving dstadler... done.
Connecting to dstadler[]:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE A ... done.  ==> CWD not needed.
==> PORT ... done.    ==> LIST ... done.

    [ <=>                                 ] 249          243.16K/s

14:49:03 (243.16 KB/s) - `.listing' saved [249]

Removed `.listing'.
ftp://anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/A000KP0T.Y2003013.EDI;type=a
           => `A000KP0T.Y2003013.EDI'
==> CWD not required.
==> PORT ... done.    ==> RETR A000KP0T.Y2003013.EDI ... done.
Length: 63,660

100%[====================================>] 63,660         3.79M/s    ETA

14:49:03 (3.79 MB/s) - `A000KP0T.Y2003013.EDI' saved [63660]

FINISHED --14:49:03--
Downloaded: 63,660 bytes in 1 files
--------------------------------- cut
here ---------------------------------------------

Thanks for any help... Dominik.

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