Mauro Tortonesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> so, i am asking you: what do you think of these changes?

Overall they look very good!  Judging from the patch, a large piece of
the work part seems to be in an unexpected place: the FTP code.

Here are some remarks I got looking at the patch.

It inadvertently undoes the latest fnmatch move.

I still don't understand the choice to use sockaddr and
sockaddr_storage in a application code.  They result in needless casts
and (to me) uncomprehensible code.  For example, this cast:
(unsigned char *)(&addr->addr_v4.s_addr) would not be necessary if the
address were defined as unsigned char[4].

I don't understand the new PASSIVE flag to lookup_host.

In lookup_host, the comment says that you don't need to call
getaddrinfo_with_timeout, but then you call getaddrinfo_with_timeout.
An oversight?

You removed this code:

-      /* ADDR is defined to be in network byte order, which is what
-        this returns, so we can just copy it to STORE_IP.  However,
-        on big endian 64-bit architectures the value will be stored
-        in the *last*, not first four bytes.  OFFSET makes sure that
-        we copy the correct four bytes.  */
-      int offset = 0;
-      offset = sizeof (unsigned long) - sizeof (ip4_address);

But the reason the code is there is that inet_aton is not present on
all architectures, whereas inet_addr is.  So I used only inet_addr in
the IPv4 case, and inet_addr stupidly returned `long', which requires
some contortions to copy into a uchar[4] on 64-bit machines.  (I see
that inet_addr returns `in_addr_t' these days.)

If you intend to use inet_aton without checking, there should be a
fallback implementation in cmpt.c.

I note that you elided TYPE from ip_address if ENABLE_IPV6 is not
defined.  That (I think) results in code duplication in some places,
because the code effectively has to handle the IPv4 case twice:

#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
switch (addr->type)
    case IPv6:
    ... IPv6 handling ...
    case IPv4:
    ... IPv4 handling ...
  ... IPv4 handling because TYPE is not present without ENABLE_IPV6 ...

If it would make your life easier to add TYPE in !ENABLE_IPV6 case, so
you can write it more compactly, by all means do it.  By "more
compactly" I mean something code like this:

switch (addr->type)
#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
    case IPv6:
    ... IPv6 handling ...
    case IPv4:
    ... IPv4 handling ...

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