
I am using wget from a perl script system call as such:

system("wget --recursive --page-requisites --span-hosts --level=3
--cache=off --no-directories --directory-prefix=$folder --convert-links
--input-file=$file &");

This is working well with one major problem.  Links, img tags, etc. are not
being properly converted.  For example, if there is an img tag in the source
file such as:

<img src="../images/whatever.gif">

Then it is converted to:


The domain is the source domain not the domain of the machine running wget,
and the path, although correct should start as ~intadm... to work.  Also,
when a link to another page on a source document is to a different domain as

<a href="http://www.thisdomain.com/some/path/file.htm";>

it is converted to:

<a href="http://www.somedomain.com/file.htm";>

The domain is the source domain of the document from which it was linked.
What I want is for all links, img tags, etc to simply be relative:

<img src="whatever.gif"> or <a href="file.htm">

All the files are downloading properly.  I'm running wget v1.7 from Perl
v5.6.1 on Redhat v7.3

Thanks for any help!

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