Kazu Yamamoto (????) wrote:

Hello Hrvoje,

# I personally wrote the same messaget to Thomas, but I write this
# again here.

That's an artifact of a particular implementation choice in 1.9.x. We
are aware of the problems with mapped addresses, which is why the CVS
version of Wget no longer depends on them.

I have tested the cvs version. And I found the cvs version works on NetBSD. Thank you!

But again. please read http://www.mew.org/~kazu/doc/piprog.html

Frankly speaking, the cvs version is much more complicated than
before. It seems to me that it is hard to maintain the cvs version.

your page is not realy very usefull. First yes it describe how to code protocol independent but
the big problem is it is ONLY valid for platforms with are full compatible with the newest functions.
In the first change of wget i also had reduced the functions to these minimal set. But the problem
is that you can not relay that all platforms where wget work support the sugested way. So there
is still the need to use many different methods with ifdef's.
2. if is also important that the adress resolutions isfast cached and not always resolved again.
3. There are some point in the protocols of HTTP and FTP where the different format of readable adress are used
and on ftp even different command set's.
Thats the ground i think your page cover much to little of the actual needed steps to change from ipv4 to ipv6.

Cu Thomas

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