
maybe someone can document this (http://bugs.debian.org/182957) in one
or two sentences in wget.texi.


-----Weitergeleitete Nachricht-----
> From: Daniel B. <dsb  smart.net>
> The wget manual page doesn't document the format of the comma-separated values
> for the --rejlist and --acclist options
> The wget manual page says:
>        -A acclist --accept acclist
>        -R rejlist --reject rejlist
>            Specify comma-separated lists of file name suffixes or
>            patterns to accept or reject.
> Particular unanswered questsions are:
> - Whether "pattern" means shell (globbing) pattern or regular expression.
> - If it means regular expression:
>   - Which style of regular expression (basic, extended, Perl 5, other).
>   - Whether the expression anchored or not.
> - Whether "suffix" means "xyz" in "abc.xyz", ".xyz" in "abc.xyz", or
>   any string found at the end of the candidate string (e.g.,  "yz" in "abc.xyz"
>   or in "DJayz").
> - How a suffix is differentiated from a pattern.

NoÃl KÃthe <noel debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux, www.debian.org

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