Title: WGET Bug?

C:\Grabtest\wget.exe -r --tries=3 http://www.xs4all.nl/~npo/ -o C:/Grabtest/Results/log
--16:23:02--  http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Enpo/
           => `www.xs4all.nl/~npo/index.html'
Resolving www.xs4all.nl...
Connecting to www.xs4all.nl[]:80... failed: No such file or directory.

Is WGET always aspecting a INDEX.HTML al url file for grabbing data from the WWW ?

The most URLs we want to grab are not named as index.html but have other names like:


Is this a problem for WGET by the way?

Kind regardst,
Peter de Nijs
DELTA N.V. afdeling Portfolio Analyse
06-45 57 29 17
06-45 57 29 17

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