On Sunday 17 April 2005 12:35 pm, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> I've noticed this behavior with IPv6-enabled Wget 1.10:
> --19:10:30--  http://www.deepspace6.net/
>            => `index.html'
> Resolving www.deepspace6.net... 2001:1418:13:3::1,
> Connecting to www.deepspace6.net|2001:1418:13:3::1|:80... failed: No route
> to host. Connecting to www.deepspace6.net||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> ...
> Why does getaddrinfo return AAAA records, when Wget specifies

that's because your host has a configured IPv6 address (most likely an 
autoconfigured link local address) but you don't have IPv6 connectivity.

> It is not a problem in practice, as Wget correctly handles inability to 
> connect to the first address, but seeing the error is somewhat annoying, and 
> it does introduce a slow-down. 
> I can, of course, use `-4' or `inet4only=on' to explicitly force IPv4,
> but I thought AI_ADDRCONFIG was designed so users wouldn't have to do
> that.

i agree with you here. unfortunately, AFAIK both linux and *bsd 
implementations of getaddrinfo present this stupid behaviour.

> Note, however, that `host www.deepspace6.net' returns only the IPv4
> address.

not for me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] messagexmit]$ host deepspace6.net
deepspace6.net has address
deepspace6.net has IPv6 address 2001:1418:13:3::1
deepspace6.net mail is handled by 10 deepspace6.net.
deepspace6.net mail is handled by 20 mail.ferrara.linux.it.

> This discussion from 2003 seems to question the practical usefulness of 
>     http://dict.regex.info/ipv6/v6ops/2003-10.mail/0146.html

i agree with itojun when he says that AI_ADDRCONFIG semantics is too vague. 
but are you suggesting we should not use the AI_ADDRCONFIG hint at all in 

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.    http://www.ing.unife.it
Institute of Human & Machine Cognition   http://www.ihmc.us
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux            http://www.deepspace6.net
Ferrara Linux User Group                 http://www.ferrara.linux.it

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