Doug Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
>> Herold Heiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I am greatly surprised.  Do you really believe that Windows users
>> outside an academic environment are proficient in using the compiler?
>> I have never seen a home Windows installation that even contained a
>> compiler, the only exception being ones that belonged to professional
>> C or C++ developers.
> This is what Cygwin is all about. Once you open up the Cygwin bash
> shell, all you have to do with most source code is "configure; make;
> make install".

Oh, I know that and I *love* Cygwin and use it all the time (while in
Windows)!  But that is beside the point because this problem doesn't
occur under Cygwin in the first place -- Cygwin compilation is as
clean as it gets.

My point was that a typical Windows (not Cygwin) user doesn't know
about the compilation process, nor can he be bothered to learn.
That's a great shame, but it's something that's not likely to change.
Making the code uglier for the sake of ordinary Windows users willing
to compile it brings literally no gain.

The above shouldn't be construed as not wanting to support Windows at
all.  There are Windows users, on this list and elsewhere, who are
perfectly able and willing to compile Wget from source.  But those
users are also able to read the documentation, to turn off
optimization for offending functions, not to mention to upgrade their
compiler, or get a free one that is much less buggy (the Borland
compiler comes to mind, but there are also Mingw, Cygwin, Watcom,

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