Seemant Kulleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Since I don't use Gentoo, I'll need more details to fix this.
>> For one, I haven't tried Wget with socks for a while now.  Older
>> versions of Wget supported of --with-socks option, but the procedure
>> for linking a program with socks changed since then, and the option
>> was removed due to bitrot.  I don't know how the *dynamic* linking
>> against socks works in Gentoo, either.
> Ah ok, ./configure --help still shows the option, so this is fairly
> undocumented then.

I spoke too soon: it turns out that --with-socks is only removed in
Wget 1.10 (now in beta).

But --with-socks in 1.9.1 doesn't really force linking with the socks
library, it merely checks for a "Rconnect" function in "-lsocks".  If
that is not found, the build is continued as usual.  You should check
the configure output (along with `ldd' on the resulting executable) to
see if that really worked.

>> I don't even know if this is a bug in Wget or in the way that the
>> build is attempted by the Gentoo package mechanism.  Providing the
>> actual build output might shed some light on this.
>     if use static; then
>         emake LDFLAGS="--static" || die

I now tried `LDFLAGS=--static ./configure', and it seems to work in
1.10.  Linking does produce two warnings, but the resulting executable
is static.

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