In the manual for Wget, I see the following about --accept and --reject:

"Note that these two options do not affect the downloading of html
files; Wget must load all the htmls to know where to go at all—recursive
retrieval would make no sense otherwise."

This makes sense to an extent, because I want to download an html file
to get links from, but it doesn't seem to allow me to prevent it from
following further links to html files while still downloading other
files from that original page.

For example, I want to grab all files of a specific type from an "Index
of..." style file list. The list itself is an html page, and I want to
grab all mp3 files, but I don't want to grab the "Parent Directory" and
different sortig modes for the current directory, which are all html files.

I only want to download one html file, but still follow links from it to
all mp3 files.

Is this currently possible? Am I just overlooking something obvious?


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