> >    This should read, "How can I retrieve a Web page to stdout?".
> Well, yes, except for the .001% of us who use OS/2.

   Knowing practically nothing about OS/2, I assumed that it had stdin,
stdout, and (probably) stderr.  (On VMS they're actually SYS$INPUT and
so on, but in the C run-time library, "stdin" and friends are used.)

> [...]  I guess *nix has a convention where "-" is stdout, yes?

   It's a convention used by many programs, but it's only a convention
used by many programs.  (For stdin or stdout, depending on context.)  If
a program fails to implement this convention, it's easy to end up with a
file named "-".  (Or an error, if your file system disallows that as a
file name.)


   Steven M. Schweda               (+1) 651-699-9818
   382 South Warwick Street        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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