MagicalTux wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working a lot on website mirroring from various hosting companies,
> and I noticed that usually, hidden files aren't shown by default when
> "LIST"ing a directory.
> This result in some files (.htaccess/.htpasswd) not being mirrored.
> I did an hugly hack for my personnal needs, and have a wget-all binary
> which sends "LIST -a" instead of "LIST", but it would be nice to have a
> new option to wget, like --ftp-list-options (or whatever).
> By default, the same old behaviour would be used, but when passing
> --ftp-list-options=-a it would result in having the -a option passed to
> LIST. This option is not supported by all FTP servers, but most of those
> used nowadays accept it, and usually require it to display "hidden"
> files.
> I had a look at the wget sourcecode, but I don't know it enought to
> write a patch for that, and I don't either have the time to check for
> the way to add a new option to wget.
> By the way this option should also alter globbing's LIST, making it
> possible to run something like wget 'ftp://server.tld/path/to/.ht*'

your --ftp-list-options proposal is actually very interesting, although
perhaps a little bit too low-level. we were thinking about changing
wget's default behavior by trying LIST -la before LIST when downloading
from an ftp site. however, i don't like the approach of hardcoding the
"-la" option in wget, so i personally prefer your proposal.

i would like to read other users' opinion before deciding which course
of action to take, though.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi                

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.
GNU Wget - HTTP/FTP file retrieval tool
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux  
Ferrara Linux User Group       

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