Jana Mccoy wrote:
wget stopped working after I downloaded the "bc" functions.

hi jana,

what exactly are the "bc" functions you're talking about? are they related to wget in any way?

What is an ERROR -1: Malformed status line?

it means wget failed to parse the HTTP response returned by the web server.

Here's what I'm entering and the reply:

$ wget  http://www.yahoo.com
--21:51:21--  http://www.yahoo.com/
           => `index.html'
Resolving www.yahoo.com...,,, ...
Connecting to www.yahoo.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... -1
21:51:21 ERROR -1: Malformed status line.

could you please tell us which version of wget you are using and send us the result of wget -v -d http://www.yahoo.com?

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi                          http://www.tortonesi.com

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.    http://www.ing.unife.it
GNU Wget - HTTP/FTP file retrieval tool  http://www.gnu.org/software/wget
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux            http://www.deepspace6.net
Ferrara Linux User Group                 http://www.ferrara.linux.it

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