> From: Mauro Tortonesi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> i wonder if it makes sense to add generic support for 
> multiple headers 
> in wget, for instance by extending the --header option like this:
> wget --header="Pragma: xxx" --header=dontoverride,"Pragma: 
> xxx2" someurl

That could be a problem if you need to send a really weird custom header
named "dontoverride,Pragma". Probability is near nil but with the whole big
bad internet waiting maybe separating switches (--header and --header-add)
would be better.

> as an alternative, we could choose to support multiple 
> headers only for 
> a few header types, like Pragma. however, i don't really like this 
> second choise, as it would require to hardcode the above mentioned 
> header names in the wget sources, which IMVHO is a *VERY* bad 
> practice.

Same opinion, hard coding the header list would be ugly and will byte some
user in the nose some time in the future: "if you need to add several XXXY
headers either patch and recompile or use at least versione x.y"


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