Support for CSS has been on the wish list for some time. I don't think anyone is working on a patch right now.


Equipe web wrote:

Here is another bug that would be nice to correct in Wget : some background images are not imported.
For example take a look at this piece of HTML code :

<a style="background-image: url(images/hp-enseignement.jpg);" class="back-img" href="enseignement/"></a>

The file "images/hp-enseignement.jpg" is not uploaded by Wget (although it should be !).
This is legal HTML/CSS but the url(....) call is not parsed by Wget.

Thanks if anyone has got time to check this out.

Luc Goffinet

Equipe Web - FUNDP
Service Informatique Universitaire (SIU)
21 rue Grandgagnage, B-5000 Namur (Belgium)
Tel : +32/81/72.50.38      Fax : +32/81/72.50.23

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