Hi all

I am a newbie on wget, so there is a "silly"
question about its usage.
(If this list is not the place for such questions,
please let me know in order to avoid using it
for this kind of stuff.)

I try to dowlnload a directory with its contents
from an ftp site via proxy. Although the connection
is properly made, what i finaly get is the listing of
the contents of the directory in an .html page,
but none of its actual contents are downloaded.

what i used is "wget -r -np -l 10 -w 10 --follow-ftp"
while .wgetrc contains the proxy settings
and the following:

reclevel = 15
waitretry = 10
use_proxy = on
dirstruct = on
recursive = on
follow_ftp = on
glob = on
verbose = on
mirror = on
retr_symlinks = on

Can anybody contribute with a hint or advice?
I will be gratefull!

Thanks in advance

Spiros Melitsopoulos

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