Hello, I have a question about downloading this site.

I want to download it all, basically, and was reading in a tutorial about wget that it's kind of hard to re-download sites that have been added to since the previous download. I could be wrong.

As you can see, http://www.ncsu.edu/project/hindi_lessons/Hindi.Less.04/sitemap.htm , this site is only about 40% complete. Some lessons that are available aren't fully complete either. A person recommended that I download as this- wget -m -k -K -E http://www.ncsu.edu/project/hindi_lessons/ , but I don't think he knew that the site wasn't complete.

Would it be possible to download each lesson individually, so that as lessons are added, or finished, I can download them w/out re-downloading the whole site? Could someone tell me how please? Or would it be possible to download the whole thing and just re-download parts that have been added since the previous download?

I'm not the most learned person regarding stuff like this, so the simpler the better, please. :)

I'm not subscribed either, so if you would please CC me in any responses.

Thank you all very much.

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