WGET 1.10.2 - Under Windows

1) Resuming

When a download fails with:
> 04:29:34 (17.41 KB/s) - Data connection: Connection
reset by peer; 
Control connection closed.
> Retrying.

WGET does the following:
> ==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
> ==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD not required.
> ==> SIZE
> ==> PASV
> ==> RETR
> No such file

Using -d shows that PWD returns '/', whereas the file
is in a
subdirectory. So CWD is indeed required.
This only occurs when the control connection is closed
and reopened.
(Well, guess that's obvious)

2) When using -c and "remove_listing = off" WGET seems
to append to the
existing list, rather than replacing. Would seem
better to use automatic
renaming of the old lists before a new listing is


There are other bugs I've come across, not to mention
improvements that suggest themselves to me! I've
posted some suggestions
a couple of times before, but nobody seemed
interested. I would try to
fix WGET myself, but I don't have much experience in
development, and I'm unused to svn. So, if nobody
seems interested, I'll
just keep my comments to myself, in future!

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