I don't think there is such a feature, but if you're going to add
--not-before, you might as well add --not-after too.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 6:27 PM
To: wget@sunsite.dk
Subject: Suggesting Feature: Download anything newer than...

I'm a very frequent user of wget, but must admit I haven't
dived too deep into various options - but as far as I can
tell, what I'm about to suggest is not a current feature.
If it is, can somebody tell me how to access it?  0:-)

What I'm suggesting is something similar to -N (check
timestamp and download newer) and may perhaps be used more
as a modifier to -N than a seperate option.

I occationally make a mirror of certain site with wget, and
then throw it into an archive.  Unfortuanately, a few months
(year) later when I want to catch-up with any updates, I either
have to mirror the whole thing again or locate the old archive
and unpack it (and I haven't necesserely preserved the whole
directory structure).

What I would love was the ability to specify (through an option)
an arbitrary timestamp (a date... and perhaps time), and for
only files created/modified after this time to be downloaded (e.g.
the approximate time for the creation of my latest archive).

I am envision it as based on the -N option; except that rather
than looking on the time-stamp - or the size or even the
existance - of a local file, it would only compare the remote file's
timestamp to the supplied timestamp - and download if the remote
file was newer.  Of course, it would probably be h*** of a lot worse
to program than just rewriting the -N option.  :-)

It would have to parse links in HTML-files (HTML) or traverse
directories (FTP).

Usually it would be used when no local mirror existed, and then
creating a mirror of just files made after a certain time (it would
of course have to create a dir-structure containing directories
also older than the specified time, but no older files).  However
being able to use it (a specified time) together with the -N or
--mirror option, may also be useful when updating a local mirror
(though I can't actually see when); so perhaps it should be an option
to be used in *companion* with -N (rather than instead of -N)... or
at least let it be *possible* to use it together with -N and --mirror
as well as by itself.


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