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Rudy Rusli wrote:
> One of our clients are trying to connect to our server with digest
> authorization and they are having problems. It returns 401 error code.
> They are using WGET.
> My coworker tests it using WSHARK and it seems that WGET tries BASIC
> first and then it fails and it tries DIGEST but it fails also.

Wget (repository trunk version) no longer tries BASIC first. However,
there's no reason it should fail DIGEST, either now or in the current
release, unless the password specified is incorrect.

In order to diagnose the problem, please post the output you get from
wget when you try to authenticate with DIGEST; be sure to give the
- --debug flag to get as much output as possible, and show us also what
command line you're using. Please be sure to SCRUB THE RESULTS first,
both of your password as specified on the command-line, and also the
BASIC Authorization headers (it's not necessary to scrub the DIGEST
ones). Also please specify the version of wget that you are using.

It could also be useful to compare how you're invoking wget, with how
you're invoking curl or other clients.

Note that, if you want the username/password to apply to more than one
resource, use the --user and --password or --http-user and
- --http-password flags: using the "foo:bar@" method will only apply to
the single resource against which you apply it.

- --
HTH, Good luck.
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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