Micah Cowan wrote:

> As I see it, the biggest concern over using git would be multiplatform
> support. AFAICT, git has a great developer community, but a rather
> Linux-focused one. And while, yes, there is Win32 support, the
> impression I have is that it significantly lags Unix/Linux support.
> Mozilla rejected it early on due to this conclusion

The Mozilla community (with a large base of Win32 programmers) rejected an
open-source package that met their needs better than other packages because
it didn't have good enough Win32 support? Why didn't they just add in the
Win32 support so that the rest of the world that cares about Win32 support
could benefit from it?

> git vs hg.

It's a good thing I remember a little high-school chemistry or I'd have no
idea what that meant. I'm assuming "hg" == "Mercurial", but shouldn't it be
hgial? :-)


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