Hash: SHA256

A. P. Godshall wrote:
> Hi
> New to the list.


> Wrote a patch that Works For Me to limit to a "percent of measured
> bandwidth".  This is useful, like --limit-rate, in cases where an
> upstream switch is poorly made and interactive users get locked out
> when a single box does a wget, but limit-pct is more "automatic" in
> the sense that you don't have to know ahead of time how big your
> downstream pipe is.
> I.e., what I used to do is (1) wget, look at the bandwidth I was
> getting, and then (2) Ctrl-C,  (3) Ctrl-P and edit the line to add -c
> --limit-rate nnK (where nn is a bit less than I was getting).
> Now I can wget --limit-pct 50 and it will go full-speed for a bit and
> then back off till till the average speed is 50% of what the we saw
> during that time.
> The heuristic I'm using is to download full-speed for 15 seconds and
> then back off- that seems to work on my connection (too much less and
> measured rate is erratic, too much more and the defective upstream
> switch locks interactive folks out long enough that they notice and
> complain).  Does that seem reasonable to folks or should it be
> parameterized.  I'm not sure I can spend much time on complex
> parameter handling etc. right now.
> Anyhow, does this seem like something others of you could use?  Should
> I submit the patch to the submit list or should I post it here for
> people to hash out any parameterization niceties etc first?

The best place to submit patches is to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Discussions can also happen there, too. Please submit patches against
relatively recent development code, as opposed to the latest release
(which happened ~two years ago), as otherwise the work involved in
bringing it up-to-date may be a disincentive to include it. :)
Information on obtaining the latest development version of Wget is at

As to whether or not it will be included in mainline Wget, that depends
on the answer to your question, "does this seem like something others of
you could use?" I, personally, wouldn't find it very useful (I rarely
use even --limit-rate), so I'd be interested in knowing who would. I
suspect that it may well be the case that most folks who have need of
- --limit-rate will find your version handy, but I want to hear from
them. :)

Also, I'd like a little more understanding about what the use case is:
is it just to use N% less bandwidth than you seem to have available, so
that other connections you may open won't be taxed as much?

A couple notes off the bat: I'd prefer --limit-percent to --limit-pct,
as apparently more recent naming conventions seem to prefer
unabbreviated terms to abbreviated ones. And, I would desire a wgetrc
command to complement the long option version. Don't break your back
working these things into your patch, though: let's first see what
you've got and whether folks want it (lest you waste effort for nothing).

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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